Friday, April 13, 2012

L: Lost

        As I have referenced before , somehow it has fallen into my purview as the guidance counselor to be responsible for lost and found items.  The lost and found bin is located in the front office and every Thursday I put all the items out on the walkway in front of the office so they will catch the eye of every parent and student who walks by.  I don't know how this happened (however, the last line of my job description is "Other duties as assigned" so I guess this counts)  but I just accept that package.  Like so many other things in my work world, I can make that part of the job fit.

      Yes, it fits.  I have been lost in life before and I do believe I am lost again.  The last time I wrote about this, I was just discovering my current lack of direction.  I've been siting with it now for several months and finding myself curious and a little impatient with this place where I stand.  I accuse myself of being a coward because, in my foggy and cloudy world, I stay on the bluff.  I look over the ocean of opportunities but I won't move from the bluff.  It's cold out here on the edge.  I can't see very far .  But I do have a blanket around me, and I can see some sunshine over to the northwest.  I look with hope at that piece of blue sky which appears to be blowing the fog south.  I wonder how long it will be until my edge of the cliff is in the sunlight.  I wonder if the clear view will help me find my way?  The thing is, when you stand on a cliff by the ocean you must always be prepared for cold wind, for fog, for dampness.  You really can't be concerned about much more than holding on to your footing.  It's a long and rocky drop to the beach below.  It's good to breathe in the ocean air.  It's good to let the mist from the waves brush your face.  It's good to stand and just be.  Who knows?  Maybe you will see something on the horizon that will point you in some direction.  Try it.


  1. beautiful views! we first have to be lost in order to be found:)
    Happy A-Zing!

    1. That is so true. Being lost can have a payoff. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Good luck in finding yourself. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    -MJ A to Z blogger

    1. Your blog is fun! Looking forward to watching it while I try to find something....

  3. Agree with that! I am almost 40 and I have felt lost more often than not, but life is a journey, and sometimes when you're lost you find the most unexpected treasures. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. Hey, you are welcome. It's true that, when lost, if you keep your eyes open, the path might reveal something awesome. I am willing to keep watching the road ahead. Don't look back.

  4. The first thing I thought about after reading this piece was that although you initially thought of yourself as lost in a cold, cloudy, foggy place, you began to catch glimpses of blue sky and finally settled into just being.
    Second thought was that how wonderful that you are still looking and searching with the hope of new things.
    That's something I am having difficulty doing. Your post is inspiring.

    1. I'm glad you found it inspiring, Lynda. I will say that I never could have written like this six months ago. Six months ago I might have well just taken a leap off that cliff. Everything changes.
