Friday, April 27, 2012


   I've been looking for an image, a way to represent XOXOXO, but I am having trouble with that.  All the images want to be pink and purple and want to show romantic love.   But that's not my take on XOXOXO - not exclusively anyway.

   Sure XOXOXO is a sweet way to let your sweetheart know where he or she stands in your life but I love to use that simple expression to indicate love and affection way beyond the couple thing.  I find that it states very accurately the connection I have with my brothers and my sister , for example.  I can always toss that string of letters at the end of a text message or an email or a Facebook post.  It almost feels like a secret code to them that says I love you and I want the world to know that (even if I am not your "girlfriend").

   When my kids were small they wrote that all the time to their dad and to me.  Relatively easy letters for a newborn writer to tackle, the XOXOXO says I love you without too much thinking.  I like to toss it at friends who are there for me - especially when the days are rough.  Oddly, to me, just the simple nature of the message brings levity to what might have been a difficult situation or a difficult day.

    In short, it's all about reassurance to me. XOXOXO is the shortest love letter and it can be sent to anyone.  Seeing that simple string of letters (or writing them) always makes me smile.  XOXOXOXOOXOXO


  1. My friend ends all her texts with XO. On bad days, reading that acronym helps a lot.

    Enjoyed your post! I also wrote about XOXO. :)

  2. They are definitely a smiley string of letters. :)

  3. Ditto, sort of. Great minds and all that :)

  4. xo... only a little, cause i hardly know you.
    You have done a great job on the A to Z Challenge...
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    A to Z Co-Host
    My New Book:
    Retro-Zombie: Art and Words

    1. That is perfect! The ideal way to use XOXOXOX
      XO back at you!

  5. I agree. Nothing's sweeter than seeing those strings of Xs and Os in cards from our grandchildren, even the younger ones who don't write their names very well just yet. Nice to meet ya. Just stopping by on the A-Z, but I'll be leaving here as your newest follower. Dunno exactly when, but I WILL be back! Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

    1. Thanks! The Challenge has been fun - both in creating new posts and in reading so many different blogs. I'll be by to check yours out soon!

  6. Hey Gracie: XOXOXOXO!!!! So there, enjoy. Thanks for your thoughts on love and affection. matt

    1. Thanks for giving me your love and affection! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  7. You HAVE done so well with the A-Z Challenge.
    XOXO makes me happy to see and always reminds me of my very sweet and kind grandmother, Dorothy Sawyer. She was a huge XOXO promoter. Not a bad habit to be remembered fondly for!
