Sunday, April 14, 2013

What You Can't Do Without A Right Hand

     During the last six weeks, I have had the chance to learn the value of my dominant hand.  My right arm/hand has been incapacitated.  The inconvenience/frustration of not having the use of this extremity has been far greater than the physical pain of joint replacement surgery.  Here are some things you might not have realized are impacted when you have only one arm available (especially when it is the non dominant arm that is available to you):

1)  Typing is unbelievably  slow, frustrating,and discouraging. 

2)  You can't button your own pants,  Just try going to work when you have to plan how to deal with bathroom issues: Skirt?  Too cold.   Elastic waist sweat pants?  NO WAY.   Confide in and beg a friend for help?  Don't go to work?

3)  You can't cut up or butter your own food.

4)  Lifting weights with only one arm results in a very uneven workout.

5)  You can't drive because you cannot grasp the steering wheel nor the shifting knob.

6)  Mascara.  Need I say more?

7)  You can't floss your own teeth nor wash your own left arm /armpit.  TMI.

8)  Have to write something?  Like a signature?  Hello, left hand, get to work!

9)  Putting on a bra?  Again, TMI.

10) Try making a decent meal with only one hand.... or folding  a load of laundry.

11)  Open the door while carrying the groceries in?  Right.  Let's just say, it becomes a multi step operation.

12)  Do you have any idea how hard it is to put socks on using just one hand? Or, better yet, tights?

    The thing I have learned (yet again)  is that life goes on.  Things get done.  Or don't get done.  I find creative ways to tackle the obstacles.   I never knew before how useful teeth could be - especially when it comes to getting dressed.


  1. I knew it was extremely difficult, but you've managed to emphasize the agony in your list. And I'm sure you omitted a lot more things.
    I'm really surprised (and impressed) that you can still maintain your blog.

    1. Here's the blog truth: most of the posts since March 6th were written in Jan or Feb, in anticipation of the surgery. This one and one other were written in the present...I enjoy reading and commenting on other blogs and so my writing energy goes to that. :)

  2. I can only imagine how frustrating this must be. How much longer will the recovery process be?

    1. Full recovery takes six months to a year - yikes! But I am being told by the physical therapist that I might be able to safely ride my bike again by mid summer. He will allow for short rides (3 blocks) most likely by mid May and then I can start building up to the full three hours. The ability to ride my bike is a defining measure for me. :)

  3. Oh my! Don't go breaking your pearly whites doing something to compensate for the bumn arm, that would be tragic!

  4. I hear what you're saying. Every time I try to put on mascara without my dominant hand, I am stymied. What's TMI?

    1. You, my good man, need no mascara to look stunningly beautiful to me. tmi = too much information.

    2. Well, gosh. Thank YOU! Besides, mascara runs, unlike me these days...

  5. I felt sorry for the guy with no shoes until I saw the guy with no feet! I have neuropathy in BOTH my hands, haven't
    buttoned a shirt in over 2 years! Everything I touch feels as though I am putting my hands into an electrical socket. What do you do? You do it anyway.

    1. Oh yeah! Gotcha! Perspective is good. It won't take away the frustration all together but it is good.

  6. Your post makes me think of all of the things I take for granted. I think I will whine just a little less today.
    BTW, bravo for that 64 point WWF pair of words you single handedly scored!

    1. You can whine all you want, Lynda! Everyone's got their stuff, right?
      and, yes, I surprised myself with that move!

  7. Because it's supposed to be good for one's brain, I've tried to brush my teeth with my non-dominant arm a couple of times, but had to quit in complete frustration. You are a champ to manage as best you can. The bra, OMG!
