Most notably (at the moment) is that I did move forward on item # 14: Get the right hand repaired. Details here. It has been tougher than I imagined but I bet it will be worth it in the long run. I have also managed to already accomplish # 26: Visit SF's Museum of Modern Art at least once during the year. Again, details can be found here. The cool thing is that I have plans for next weekend to visit the classic De Young Museum of Art in Golden Gate Park. I am jazzed! We also have already managed to do # 3, #4, and #5. All of these have to do with updating and refreshing the kitchen. I like the changes!
There are a few other items from that January list on which I have made some progress. There are even more that I have yet to tackle. We are only two and a half months into the year so I have time. Look for another update in mid June.